Welcome to my blog about the programming language Python! Let's get started!
So, what is Python?
According to the official Python website, "Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively."
Guido van Rossum invented Python in the Netherlands in the late 1980's and implemented it in 1989. He named it Python, not after the predatory snake, but after the British comedy series Monty Python. Van Rossum serves a critical role in Python's development to this day; the Python community has granted him the title BDFL, which stands for Benevolent Dictator For Life. Python's BDFL claims that the origins of the language come from his need for a "hobby" to keep him busy during a Christmas holiday. Thus, by the genius sparked from one man's boredom and a personal computer, Python was born!
Python's powerful capabilities include applications that are excellent for web development, database access, scientific modeling, software/game development, and more.
Python's official website contains copious amounts of help for both beginners and experienced programmers. The website contains a wealth of information and resources from tutorials to code samples to help users code successfully.
Python syntax emphasizes readability, allowing programmers to use fewer lines of code than they would in other languages.
The Zen of Python summarizes the language's philosophy with statements that include: "Beautiful is better than ugly," "Simple is better than complex," "Complex is better than complicated," "There should be one--and preferably only one--obvious way to do it," and "Now is better than never."
Now is certainly a great time to start learning!